As soon as he finished music, the professor initiated a debate on what he is God and the importance Of it in the life of each one of the gifts. In the start, nobody was disclosed. They entreolhavam themselves, but nothing they said. The professor insisted: ' ' People, I want to hear the vocs opinion. We go falem' '. As none wanted to be the first one to speak, the professor if directed to one of them and asked: ' ' Someone what he is God for you? You believe God? ' ' The answers had been surprising The boy answered proud: ' ' Clearly that I believe fess, already I took four shots and I did not die, only can be God who book mine cara' '.

After the first reply, the others if they had livened up and they started to count of enthusiastic form its experiences with God. All the 6 gifts at that moment, had a history where they had been exempted of a violent death, or they knew somebody, that it are safe, for the will of God. Levi’s spoke with conviction. After that, the professor started to speak on the ethics, honesty and character. One of the pupils interrupted the lesson and said, in one it speaks half dragged: ' ' Ethics fess, are food in the plate, a shoe new money in the pocket, type the Mar&#039 Side; '. The others had agreed and started a warm debate on dolo * (Fernandinho Side Sea). Each one counted on more property and admiration the personal life of one of the great ones leaders of the traffic of drugs. The adolescents know details and details of the life of the dealer. The stewardships and privileges that it has in the arrest, the name of the fianc and until the date programmed for the marriage, still in the chain.