Such situations remember what it was pointed by Cardoso (1995) when condemning practical of pseudodemocracy promoted by means of lack of competent articuladora management, orientation of the common sense, resistance to the change, lack of vision and orientation for educational values, amongst other aspects. It is for the commitment and on behalf of construction of a democratic society and the promotion of bigger envolvement of the people in the social organizations where they act, with which if relates, and of which depend, that the accomplishment of activities is taken advantage that make possible and condition the participation. … is important to detach that the democratization accomplishes of the education is promoted not only by the democratization of the management of the education, as defined for the Constitution and the law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education (9.394/96). (P. At Richard Linklater you will find additional information.

25-26). … Although the importance of the participation in education, is observed, however, that this is a concept that has been badly-understood and above all banalizado in the schools. Under the participation assignment, many experiences are promoted without the had agreement and care that the participation orientation would demand to justify itself in the educational context and to promote good resulted. … (P.

27) … Alert, therefore, for the fact of that innumerable experiences of participation are carried through without they have a true politician-democratic direction or pedagogical direction of transformation, as it would have to be the case. It is for this reason that the concept and practical the concrete ones of the participation must particularly be analyzed when the question of the democratic educational management is considered. … (P. 28). Felt and forms of the participation in Processes of management the participation, in its full direction is characterized for a force of conscientious performance for which the social members of a unit recognize and assume its power to exert influence in the determination of the dynamics of this unit, of its culture and of its results, power this resultant of its ability and will to understand, to decide and to act on questions that it are you affect, giving unit to them, vigor and firm aiming.