
The child perceives itself that the stimulaton and the accompaniment for the family of the reading of the children finish for having positive implications, when initiates the formal learning of the reading in the school. Not yet the necessary school is easy to develop this partnership more if to charge of the responsibility to promote this approach between the School and Family. LIBNEO standes out that: Education is the set of action, processes, Influences, structures that intervine in the human development of individuals and group in the active relation with the natural and social environment, in one determined context of relations between social groups and classrooms (LIBNEO 2000 P. 22). Leaving of this context it is understood that to narrow the bows between school and the family it is important to make a study of the familiar context in the relation with the pertaining to school context, turning itself toward as the parents see its paper in the process of escolarizao of its children thus will be possible to analyze the current situation of the parents and its difficulties in following the pertaining to school process of the children, as well as its position in relation to the school. It stops beyond the traditional events that the school promotes as: parties of Christmas, Day of the Mother, Day of the Father, the school can offer chances more diversified than they make possible the participation of the family with the objective to improve the pertaining to school space. The responsible parents and/or can participate, for example, in the support to the library and room of study, in the organization of activities of free times. For this the school must know the availabilities and abilities of the families, to have chance to offer formation for specific functions that the responsible parents/can come to play in the school, and to chronometer the activities leading in consideration the availabilities of the family.

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Sidney smiles of the dialogue without if revealing. It is the master. Its personage was born in the English Guyana and if she capsized in the thirty in California. Subentende that the amount of jobs that it had until if becoming electronic engineer, was given in California. This is, or was, one of the sides of America? to pass for the system without being dilacerado by it.

Thus, one absolutely becomes permissible to conceive that a citizen with that classroom has been dishwasher, caretaker of building, etc., until obtaining a diploma and arranging job as professor in arrabaldes of London. Click Toronto Maple Leafs to learn more. Its arrival in the initial institution and dialogues with other professors still shows the Victorian age giving coices of beyond tomb in Britain the Beatles and Roling Stones. The faculty if complaint that the school does not impose physical punishments to the pupils. Poitier tries to teach for young a little of the orthodox things that if teach in colleges, such as to read without catar maize and adding a set of ten to the other set of ten. It gives up. starts to teach to them to the rudimentos of the old referring vocabulary the respect, cordialidade, dignity, emotional control, certainties.

If you to place the look criticize of the gift on this encircled atom of these electrons, the word infantilidade you will appear in its mind, since in our present inenarrvel pupils metralham professors for a handful of crack. The appearances move, but the vocabulary that the master tries to install in the minds was made to resist the time. It teaches them to Poitier as if it makes salada, to take flowers for a deceased one, to question with a reasoning nugget, to have notion of that inside soon, question of months, they will go to leave the nest to grow and if to multiply, hearing IE-IE-IE. Lulu it sings very, beyond impersonateing one of the pupils problem, the band folloies who it calls The Mindbenders and the author music heading, Marc London. Group of artists giving optimum of itself, in 1967, that badly she has in crediting them now? Poitier, without equal, over all in the scenes where it tries to keep the calm face the baderneiros, whose fiche in the policy had it broken windows and pichao of walls. Yes, the world already was a yard. The end is what it expects, all waits a life thus, with the certainty of that in the outcome the things if incase, under the light that exists in the end of the rainbow.

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Education School

Diverse forms of participation exist so that the employees can inside exert its activities of the school. They are: participation as presence, participation as verbal expression and quarrel, participation as representation politics, participation as taken of decision, participation as representation politics and participation as enrollment. Chapter 2? Values, objectives, principles and dimensions of the participation. In this chapter the salient author who clarity of the objectives, the orientation for principles and the understanding of its implications how much the action they become the participation well more competent effective and. If you have read about Levi’s already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The participativa action depends on that it is carried through by means of the orientation for certain substantial values, as ethical, solidarity, equity and commitment, amongst several correlated others, without which the participation in the context of the education loses its social and pedagogical character. In this scope, the ethics are represented by means of the action guided for the respect to the human being, mainly. Solidarity is revealed by means of the recognition of the inherent value each person.

The equity is represented by the recognition that people and groups in special differentiated situations need attention and conditions, so that they can be placed in parity with its fellow creatures in the development process. the commitment if translates the action of the involved ones in the pedagogical process, focada and identified with its objectives, values, principles and strategies of development. Therefore, it fits to alert that the promotion of the participation must be guided from the following general objectives: To promote the development of the human being as to be social and the transformation of the school as social unit dynamic and opened the community, of form with that the education if becomes responsibility of all, family, state and school. To develop the comunitarismo and the spirit of collective in the school. Already as objective generalities they are distinguished: To guarantee meaning social to the actions and you practise pedagogical? To raise the standards of quality of the school? To involve the family in the pedagogical process? To promote the direction of corresponsabilidade and commitment of the participants? To establish greater integration between pertaining to school resume and reality? To still create formador environment of citizenship on this aspect, the participativa management if bases on a series of linked principles, such as the democracy as one lives deeply social engaged with the collective one, construction of the knowledge of the pertaining to school reality as resulted of the construction of the reality in itself, and the participation as a necessity human being.

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Educational Proposals

As mediating of the knowledge the university professor he uses yourself of some mechanisms that stimulate the citizens in its theoretical and practical constructions of knowing. In the vision of freire (2005) the pupil is the citizen of the action, that is, it is capable to develop forms to know and to rescue the values long ago forgotten in its reality, transforming the actions established into realities. Already for Morin the pupil comes across itself in a world estereotipado of complexities, the author defends despite, such uncertainties of the preset dogmas must be studied as a set so that if each time next to the truth can arrive. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Richard Linklater by clicking through. Thus being, the teaching professional of the superior level can use in its practises educational as methods of education to supply the gaps left for such conceptions through dynamic, questionadoras and critical lessons. Far from approaching formulas magical of as the professor it must act in its pertaining to school environment, we search to analyze conscientiously inside of the theoretical bases more appraised, as during times of searches for these same questions that if enroll per decades in authors who as much know our reality as Pablo Freire and similar situations of foreign authors in the case of Edgar Morin, both understand the challenges that the educator faces to each day in the learning room and had transformed the questionings into theoretical solutions ahead practises of them also for lived deeply them, as we have seen throughout all this trajectory that we are tracing since the beginning of this study it ties this point, from now we will enter in the proposals that also are based on all the theories long ago displayed here. III Educational Proposals Ahead of the conceptions the authors concomitantly, agree that beyond prioritizing the bases of a liberating education, this can and must apply it superior education, therefore, offer to the teaching quality in its practical educative, correlating all the set of discipline in the complexities of knowing for construction next to the reality curing the economic necessities, politics to them, educational and social in which we find in them.

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School Management

Management in the school, is treated as it is decided the questions of participation in meetings between the controllers and professors, in which related subjects are argued the pertaining to school management, and the attitudes that are taken in the decisions related to the professors and pupils, amongst the subjects are argued the developments of the conditions discipline of them applied, in which the pupils are learning or not, needing always to be rethink on the application of the activities educational, and even though a democratic management and participativas for new enterprises of the activities in areas that are involved in the demand of learning of the school, in such a way since the maid the director and all the faculty and learning, amongst others the pertaining to school departments as secretariats and the departments of educational orientaes. The participation must be revealed at some moments of the pertaining to school institution, where the participants of the body of the school, are integrated in establishing conditions to decide the social matters and politics of the institution, with possibilities to advance the educational resume without much damage of the formation of the pupils. Checking article sources yields FireEye Inc as a relevant resource throughout. Of the point of view politician, to develop the democracy constituting characteristic basic in centered group, establishing goals with objective to be reached, in the direction to establish norms in a transformation it continues, developing the conscience of the process as a whole, as well as of nuances of its multiples unfolding. The democracy exceeds and exceeds the participation, on that it depends, without never escaping to it (paraphrasing Morin, 1985). El SPANIARD libro: Tratan manages of Participativa en there there escuela, mientras that if it decides wools cuestiones woollen participacin en reuniones between los regulating los y profesores, en quienes los argued related subjects referring sound manages escuela there woollen, y wools actitudes that if toman en wools decisiones related con los profesores y wools pupils, between los subjects if argues los progresos of wools conditions woollen disciplines ellas applied, en wools cuales wools pupils estn aprendiendo in, necesitando siempre to be repiensa en el wool use educative activities, y aun cuando joins manages democratic y los participativas for wools nuevas wool companies activities en wools areas that estn implied en demand to learn woollen escuela there, of such manera since created el there director y all facultad y el to learn, between otros referring the departments there woollen escuela as secretariats y the los departments of educative orientaes.

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Superior Education

However, as much the distortion series-age how much low the quality of the learning continues as challenges to be surpassed for the politics educational, therefore 44% of the concluintes students of Basic Ensino outside make it of the corresponding age to this level of education. In this context Brazil is one of the countries most different of the world, however this inaquality of income nor always so was raised, having been increased substantially in the decade of 1960, and the paper of the education is crucial to understand such inaquality, therefore diverse studies evidence that educational differences explain between 30% and 50% of the inaquality of wage income in Brazil. However the Brazilian educational inaquality also is high, as well as the prize to the escolaridade that equally is raised in Brazil, therefore on average one year more than the escolaridade increases the wage in about 15%, however this prize comes falling in last the 20 years, situation this that is justified for offers greater of qualified workers in the work market. See Richard Linklater for more details and insights. Another factor to be detached says respect to educational mobility and inaqualities of chances, being that Ferreira and Veloso evidence that the probability of a father son illiterate also to be illiterate is of 31,9% and of this to have in the maximum two years of escolaridade he is of 50%, however these probabilities fall to the measure that the education of the father increases and is practically null for children of parents with complete Superior Education, and this put the Country enter those with lesser degree of educational mobility. in this context an important point to be observed is the positive impact of the growth of the human capital in the tax of economic growth, therefore studies prove that the level of escolaridade of the work force is a determinative factor in the growth of the per capita income, a time that beyond the direct impact saw increase of the productivity of the worker, the rise of the education are associate a rise of the tax of accumulation of capital physicist and an increase of the tax of growth of the productivity total of the factors, with greater absorption of new technologies that they stimulate the economic growth. .

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Basic Education

Being thus, to observe itself with regard to the literal production in the practical pertaining to school he is that many professors manage lessons unprovided of dialogues, that is, does not have relation of professor and pupil, ' ' buscando' ' the learning to be participativo in the lessons and mainly, taking it to be, not alone a good writer, but also a mere researcher, therefore, from this conversation is possible to express the message through the productions of texts, prays or writings; since all production is a procedure and not an end item. Although for this it is necessary that it has debates and readings of diverse sorts, ' ' in case that contrary, the pupil can not know what to say nor as, therefore to write on what it is not identified, still more with the concern in a formal structure in relation to the presentation of its text, if becomes invivel' '. (LUBIAN 1997, P. 57) In front of this, the production of texts is a process where the pupil knows ' ' that dizer' ' , ' ' for who dizer' ' ' ' as dizer' ' , materialize its speeches, making possible to have them arguments, either the favor or against. Despite all production well it is only elaborated, if to identify to which the literal sort or types to be used, so that the text has a logical sequence and that it is not produced meaningless. Of one it forms generality, when producing a text not only develops the writing, a time that is only produced as exercise in the school, in a similar way that extends the expression of the knowledge, having a epistmica vision and promoting discovered that engrandece to each moment the act to read.

BRAZIL REFERENCES. Ministry of the Education. Secretariat of Basic Education. Literal production in the Pertaining to school Education. Course technician of formation for the employees of the education elaboration Antonio Cabral de Monlevade. You may want to visit David G. DeWalt to increase your knowledge. Brasilia: University of Brasilia, Center of Education in the distance, 2005. LUBIAN. Emlia Maria: Reading, artistic experimentation and literal production in the initial series of basic education.

The Color of the Letters: Magazine of the Department of Letters and Arts of the State University of Fair of Santana. Reading and Literal Production? N. 1 (1997). Fair of Santana: UEFS, 1997.

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National Education

Such situations remember what it was pointed by Cardoso (1995) when condemning practical of pseudodemocracy promoted by means of lack of competent articuladora management, orientation of the common sense, resistance to the change, lack of vision and orientation for educational values, amongst other aspects. It is for the commitment and on behalf of construction of a democratic society and the promotion of bigger envolvement of the people in the social organizations where they act, with which if relates, and of which depend, that the accomplishment of activities is taken advantage that make possible and condition the participation. … is important to detach that the democratization accomplishes of the education is promoted not only by the democratization of the management of the education, as defined for the Constitution and the law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education (9.394/96). (P. At Richard Linklater you will find additional information.

25-26). … Although the importance of the participation in education, is observed, however, that this is a concept that has been badly-understood and above all banalizado in the schools. Under the participation assignment, many experiences are promoted without the had agreement and care that the participation orientation would demand to justify itself in the educational context and to promote good resulted. … (P.

27) … Alert, therefore, for the fact of that innumerable experiences of participation are carried through without they have a true politician-democratic direction or pedagogical direction of transformation, as it would have to be the case. It is for this reason that the concept and practical the concrete ones of the participation must particularly be analyzed when the question of the democratic educational management is considered. … (P. 28). Felt and forms of the participation in Processes of management the participation, in its full direction is characterized for a force of conscientious performance for which the social members of a unit recognize and assume its power to exert influence in the determination of the dynamics of this unit, of its culture and of its results, power this resultant of its ability and will to understand, to decide and to act on questions that it are you affect, giving unit to them, vigor and firm aiming.

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Relph Space

However it considers that the space can come to be a place when will be explored, known, experienciado. In turn, the place can is changedded into space, when this to cause in the man sadness, bad souvenir of something. In citations of Relph it is clearly that spaces contain places and that places are the spaces closest of the men. To understand and to differentiate space and place from many studies and research were and are the studious objectives of some gegrafos, philosophers and of the area.

In this work of Amlia Regina Baptist Walnut, where it cites some studious and its ideas on space and place, it is easy to arrive a conclusion of that the place alone is place, properly said, when it is lived by the man and that space can be place when this will be inhabited and humanizado, it appears there to the question of the fenomenologia that tends to explain the man with its personal experiences of the place. These thinking ones only come to add, of the emphasis and to show that the place study it is not to treat the man as population, people, classroom and yes as the formador of the place with experiences that only that one that lives in this data place has. This workmanship has for objective to formulate a thought differentiated in the geographic treatment of Place, is rich in content for geography colleges student, therefore it approaches a subject that translates quarrel in this area sufficiently and, mainly, this Work it would be sufficiently useful in the education of geography of the initial series, would be of utmost importance to work the place where the pupil lives, its relations with this space and the people who are part of it. The experience acquired with the lived space (Place), the children pass to a phase of mental representation of this place (subject already treated by Walnut in this summary), that is, at this moment they make representations of the place in its return from mental projects of the places lived for them. This work takes the pupil to discover and to understand the geography of the place where it lives. The category of place translates the spaces with which the people have more affective bonds. The place is where they are the personal references and the values that they direct different forms to perceive and to construct the geographic space. (PCNs).

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