Viola Davis

First, Pretty Ugle People, follows unpublished in our screens. Besides directing the adaptation, Taylor has been one of the main artficies of the success of The Help, he himself helped the writer, friend hers from the childhood, to find editorial to publish the book when its manuscript already had been rejected by more than 60 publishing agents. What it proposes to us is a trip towards the North America of beginnings of years 60, in the context of the traditional one and closed society of Mississippi, to develop the history of 3 women. Eugenia " Skeeter" (Emma Stone) she is a young college student of 22 years who arrives at her native locality with firm desire to become writer, against the will of her mother who only wishes that this one finds a good party and it marries. Putting hands to the work, Eugenia will write an controversial book, putting legs above the established hierarchies and prejudices, defying the differences of classes and race to pick up the experiences and testimonies of black servants who work for rich families of the place. For its work, Eugenia will count on the inestimable collaboration and complicity of two of them, Aibileen (Viola Davis) and Paints in miniature (Octavia Spencer). A history only for women? Perhaps he is feminine his potential public, but The Help is demonstrating that also it can arrive at all type of groups and sensitivities, masculine or watching the youthful ones, and remembering another history of friendships between women that became a great success, also surprise, in its adaptation to the great screen as were fried green Tomatos in 1991. For its opening in Spain – in the United States it did the 10 of August -, still we will have to wait for almost 2 months, until the 28 of October, and will maintain the same title of the book published in Spanish, the one of Servants and ladies. However, like curiosity, in France they have praised/poured off on the other as graphical translation as poetic, emphasizing the most sensible slope of this history: the one of Him couleur DES sentiments (the color of the feelings). Source of the news: ' Servants and seoras' , a racial melodrama of the years 60, taquillazo surprise in EE.UU.

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Mary Grey

Charllote had a new brother, Jamie Rogers. He also had a Father, Joseph Rogers, and a mother, Eloise Rogers. Eloise was not Loba, but yes human being. What it happens is that Joseph knew and got passionate itself. In contrast of the Vampires, the Wolves can have relations with human beings and have a son normally.

It was Full Moon night e, clearly, to all the family excepto the Eloise, happened what it happens to all the Wolves. Metamorphosis. They when they are metamorfoseados, continue the same people. What dumb it is that they communicate themselves for wolf language, and clearly, dumb the physical aspect. All the family decided to leave house, to go to apanhar air, but Charllote it was in house. It did not have no type of 6 felt nor nothing seemed, only knew Elliot too much well to know that it, this night, would go to hunt. It knows already it has time too much, time that gave to know that when it is confused, goes to hunt. The colloquy between Brianna and Elliot continued.

– Excuse Elliot but now you go to say me there that family is! – No Brianna family! – ELLIOT OWEN, SAYS ME SINCE FAMILY IS! – She is the family of the Mary? Yes of the Mary Grey. – The family of the Grey? Those that have a very pretty son and elegant that until walks with you in the college? – Itself? Yes she is this same. – Ah, good. Elliot could not speak on the secret of Charllote, nor to say that she was the family of Charllote, therefore Brianna, would go to say its parents and Ruby and Harry would go to speak with the Rogers. It could not speaks on the secret of it because a war of many years between lobisomens and vampires exists, and, if its family wise person? it was better never in this.

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Modern Occult sciences, too, are very serious divination, astrology has long been a required element in the formation of any competent occultist. Alas, reliable data on the reliability Divination as a prognostic method no. Just do not, because the official science of the matter is not engaged, and if does, then, unfortunately, is sinking into fraud and forgery in a hysterical attempt to prove: No! Can not be! Impossible! As it turned out to work Gauquelin and 'test' so-called 'Committee of steam. " However, where one can make any more or less adequate checks (as is the case with Paul, or we take the example of the same Gauquelin) have consistently obtained a positive result. Divination is the simplest and most common method because proscopia throughout many millennia of human history.

Actually the essence of any divination boils down to that taken a set of symbols (runes, maps, signs on Pisanyza, jars with the flags of participating countries) and one is a pseudo-random selection (take out the fleece, card, card with a picture, commit to do it parrot, hamster, or, in extreme cases the octopus), and then dragged out (precipitate), the symbol is interpreted according to predefined rules. In more complex, advanced, systems of divination is chosen few characters that placed in accordance with the predetermined scheme (layouts), and interpreted not only the value of each individual character, but also their relative position. In numerology the following points are important: Sample characters is a pseudo-random manner. This means that selects the characters are always living creature: human, rat, parrot, octopus … And this being, interacting with the subtle energy plans subconsciously chooses characters which correctly describe the situation and prospects of its razvitiya.Pravila interpretation of symbols and hands have to be identified before divination.

As is the case with the same Paul: all agreed beforehand that his choice of oysters indicates the winner rather than proigravshego.Vopros should be znachimym.Tot who spends divination must not be interested in rezultate.Gadanie performed only once, regardless of the result. Reconsideration Divination is carried out only if substantially change the situation or problem (that is, in principle, the same thing). As we see, in the case of Paul, all five points were made that determined the success of 'divination by octopus'! There are countless ways of divination: numerology on runes, divination by Tarot, numerology on the cards (playing) – perhaps the most popular and easy to learn method of divination, Various occult and some occult schools offer their own ways, the same DEIR, for example. You can guess from the book, the cards Magik The Gathering, by … methods do not count. And almost all occult schools include training of divination in their program, so learn how to guess these days it is not a problem would desire to foresee his own fate, rather than simply a scholar at the octopus. All evidence taken from Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia, the article devoted to octopus Paulo.

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But we have to recognize the concrete possibility of the micron-cosmic atomic theory, therefore the space, being infinite in such a way for great how much for small dimensions, in them opens this way. That is: our Solar system is a type of macro-atom. Our planet is an macro-electron, the Sun is a macro-nucleus and each galaxy would be a macro-molecule species. However, then all the subatmicas particles can be in the truth similar micron-asteroids and! It is enough to see everything that has in cosmo, to know what it has in the microcosm! This implies in the fact of that a macro-cosmo exists, with possible macro-beings, and our planet in this in case that it is a simple electron of a substance of this macro-world! Most interesting it is that, as the infinite it is in such a way for the miniature one how much for the imensido, obviously they are infinite the macro and microcosms (each atom is a mini-system to estelar, composition for other mini-atoms, that in turn are other mini-mini-systems estelares, to the infinite, without speaking in phenomenon the inverse one the same, the infinite the macro-cosmos, to the imensido). But and the time relations? However, very simple: how much bigger cosmo, proportionally bigger the time. I explain: translation of the Land around the Sun of – in one year, what it would be equivalent to a complete return of an macro-electron around its macro-nucleus.

If an electron of ‘ ‘ zilhes’ ‘ of returns around its nucleus in stipulated fraction of our as, for one beings ‘ ‘ macro-mundo’ ‘ , one year ours lasts a return of the electron of them. This is not difficult to understand. To facilitate the agreement, it is enough to mentalizar that the physical time, does not exist. What it has is a convention between ratio of diverse movements, that is, the time is simply the result of the relative movement between the bodies! The space is simpler still: it is a pure emptiness!

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Alvaro Romo Medina

Each area of formation constructed a plan of work for the development of the activities throughout the year. The planning even so organized in accordance with the especificidades of each area of formation, at the first moment consisted from the general cronograma of the project, common to all the participant areas. Structurally the PED- Scenic Arts, even so divided in teams for school, works with the group biggest that adds the eighteen scholarship holders, thus shares with all the involved ones, scholarship holders, supervisors and coordinators of area, the experiences lived deeply in the education institutions. In a similar way we construct together, educational actions that can be used in agreement the reality of each school. As initial measure, we plan and we argue the form that in we would present to the school, having valued the necessity to attract the attention, same interest and the curiosity of the pupils and to mobilize all the pertaining to school community. The quarrel occurred with the participation of all the scholarship holders and the Scenic coordinator of the PED/Artes, however, each group in common constructed to the form of presentation of the group to the pupils, being only the proposal: ' ' All would have to construct a Artstica&#039 Intervention; '. Much even so the PED/Artes Scenic with priority takes care of pupils of 8 and 9 years, the intervention was elaborated thinking about all the groups of the school. To continue the story, I will focarei in the experiences and experiences of the group next to the State School Colonel Benjamin Guimares. State school Benjamin Guimares? group experience. Four scholarship holders of the PED Scenic Arts had been destined for the work in the State School Benjamin Guimares, composing this group are the pupils scholarship holders, Ellen Da Silva Paula, Camila Emilio de Moraes, Mirela Ferraz Blacksmith and Alvaro Romo Medina.

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