But we have to recognize the concrete possibility of the micron-cosmic atomic theory, therefore the space, being infinite in such a way for great how much for small dimensions, in them opens this way. That is: our Solar system is a type of macro-atom. Our planet is an macro-electron, the Sun is a macro-nucleus and each galaxy would be a macro-molecule species. However, then all the subatmicas particles can be in the truth similar micron-asteroids and! It is enough to see everything that has in cosmo, to know what it has in the microcosm! This implies in the fact of that a macro-cosmo exists, with possible macro-beings, and our planet in this in case that it is a simple electron of a substance of this macro-world! Most interesting it is that, as the infinite it is in such a way for the miniature one how much for the imensido, obviously they are infinite the macro and microcosms (each atom is a mini-system to estelar, composition for other mini-atoms, that in turn are other mini-mini-systems estelares, to the infinite, without speaking in phenomenon the inverse one the same, the infinite the macro-cosmos, to the imensido). But and the time relations? However, very simple: how much bigger cosmo, proportionally bigger the time. I explain: translation of the Land around the Sun of – in one year, what it would be equivalent to a complete return of an macro-electron around its macro-nucleus.
If an electron of ‘ ‘ zilhes’ ‘ of returns around its nucleus in stipulated fraction of our as, for one beings ‘ ‘ macro-mundo’ ‘ , one year ours lasts a return of the electron of them. This is not difficult to understand. To facilitate the agreement, it is enough to mentalizar that the physical time, does not exist. What it has is a convention between ratio of diverse movements, that is, the time is simply the result of the relative movement between the bodies! The space is simpler still: it is a pure emptiness!