Classic School

In this model, the external 0 variable are not considered alone the interns. Soon after, the model appeared of ' ' Organizations as Cultural Sphere, Simblica and Poltica' ' , being the organization, an open system. This is an opposing vision to the previous one, where the organization is not only based on objectives predetermined for superiors, in this model, the objectives of the organization are defined by the interactions existing human beings, in the confrontation of action, values and interests politicians (STRAUSS, 1956; BERGER and LUCKMANN, 1967; PNONDY, 1983; GOFFMAN, 1953; 1961) apud (MOTTA; VASCONCELLOS, 2004). Gerald Weissmann, MD is actively involved in the matter. It, MOTTA is given credit that the organization is the result of a based social construction in the interactions of the existing groups in it, (; VASCONCELLOS, 2004) then, from this, identify the organization as: It constitutes a microssociedade that reproduces the social stratification for classrooms of the global society in which she is inserted. The diverse organizacionais groups have particular cultures and proper interests. A series of conflicts between the interests exists politicians of each group and the organization is considered a space cultural politician and of continuous confrontation. (pg.285) Later the vision appeared of the organization as a social actor who constructs and modifies the environment where he acts, this model is the opposite to the one of the Classic School that separated the internal environment of the external one. From studies of (BURNS; STALKER, 1961) apud (MOTTA; VASCONCELLOS, 2004) had appeared two types of organization, each one adapting to its environment, are they: the organization mechanics and the organic organization. The first one would be a centered organization more in the formality, with the restricted and vertical communication, the existence of a formal organization chart and the centralization of the power. Learn more on the subject from Richard Linklater. Already in the organic organization the communication is a little vertical and a little horizontal, the power is decentralized and it does not have much difference of hierarchic level.

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American School

My son is in 7th grade. He was 14 years old. We left Russia for over a year ago. I remember how we came to say goodbye to his English teacher. We waited for the lesson in the hallway outside the door with flowers and small gifts. The teacher came out in tears. Matters of discipline in the Russian schools are assigned to teachers. I think this is a huge problem is only getting worse with each passing year.

But what about here in America? Our school is usually free. Children from 5 to 8 class. This is the most restless age. After weeks of study, I asked my son what he loves most. He said: "All are very friendly and quiet. Both teachers and pupils.

'How is this achieved? First – this is a very strict discipline. All data on the student entered into the computer. Each teacher has a laptop instead of a cool magazine. By the way the classes in our understanding here. Gerald Weissmann, MD pursues this goal as well. Each student chooses the items that he wants to learn. For each student prepared a separate schedule for the math lesson, he can be alone with his disciples, and in English with others. Strictly regulated very much. You can not bring a portfolio to class, only the necessary folder Pencils … Everyone has a closet with a password. It leaves clothes and portfolios. If you forgot something, the teacher can allow to go and take, but it gives a special pass. Such omissions may be 5 for the entire year. If someone breaks discipline in the classroom, the teacher sends him to the office. Office staff call parents and arrange them any problems. At the same time in the classroom can walk, sharpen pencils, quiet talk while doing, read their book, when finished, look for something interesting on the Internet all the gaps and lessons captured robot computer calls in the evening at the home phone and announces entry. Here there are funny stories. That is, first of all there is a clear set of defined rules that can not be broken. And a clear sequence of actions when something is broken. Parents and children learn this at the beginning of the school year and sign documents. If these are not help. then the student is transferred to a special class. That is, children with the most free country – the non-free section of the population. But most interesting is that this 'policing' karttina very interesting to be diluted. You can be naughty with teachers, when it is allowed. About once a month you can pay $ 1 in the office and bring in players. Teachers in this day leave time in the classroom to listen to music. There are funny today. In one day you can come in funny hats and caps, the other day – at home slippers, in the third – fan t-shirts. And not only students but also teachers participate in these jokes. A teacher of mathematics, for example, loves to appear in those days at home slippers with cats Garfield. As I see it. All should be in balance. And the brutal seriousness and self-indulgence. This dilutes the power allowed by overindulgence. Children here are very polite and dobrozhelatelnye.Kak and indeed adults.

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The Circus In The School

The Circus in the school Prof. Rullyend Saints In the current days we argue, which is the ideal prescription for a full learning and efficient, the employed techniques are many so that the pupil more good plays in the classroom its intellectual capacities and potentialities you specify, the boarded playful activities in the education environment are multiple and appear the circus activity, as one strong artistic trend and source of disciplines. y – you may have come to the same conclusion. The artistic education must have innumerable purposes, serves as perspective therapy, therefore they are added has a sincere and tendencioso objective in the direction to make with that child if establishes more good in the society, its efficient techniques take the pupil to have a look I criticize on it encircles what it, and we know it disciplines that it allied to the effort of takes to the pupil to identify it contents, stimulating it and certainly contributing for the construction of its personality. The fantastic world of the circus activities guarantees the child, a bigger easiness of if relating with its fancies, and its mechanisms and techniques widely used, they can assist the pupil to diminish learning problems, and leading best to deal with its ansiedades, difficulties, successes and even though failure, the circus activities ally to an intense training helps the child to understand and to improve its behavior, and to take care of its daily necessities, and to supply to new routes and different chances. The circus introduced in the complement form to interdisciplinar helps the child in practises physics and intellectual, the cognitivo development considered by global it and, and approaches different forms of knowledge, that goes since the creation of an artistic number until, the note conquest good and consequently excellent averages in classroom.

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School Management

Management in the school, is treated as it is decided the questions of participation in meetings between the controllers and professors, in which related subjects are argued the pertaining to school management, and the attitudes that are taken in the decisions related to the professors and pupils, amongst the subjects are argued the developments of the conditions discipline of them applied, in which the pupils are learning or not, needing always to be rethink on the application of the activities educational, and even though a democratic management and participativas for new enterprises of the activities in areas that are involved in the demand of learning of the school, in such a way since the maid the director and all the faculty and learning, amongst others the pertaining to school departments as secretariats and the departments of educational orientaes. The participation must be revealed at some moments of the pertaining to school institution, where the participants of the body of the school, are integrated in establishing conditions to decide the social matters and politics of the institution, with possibilities to advance the educational resume without much damage of the formation of the pupils. Checking article sources yields FireEye Inc as a relevant resource throughout. Of the point of view politician, to develop the democracy constituting characteristic basic in centered group, establishing goals with objective to be reached, in the direction to establish norms in a transformation it continues, developing the conscience of the process as a whole, as well as of nuances of its multiples unfolding. The democracy exceeds and exceeds the participation, on that it depends, without never escaping to it (paraphrasing Morin, 1985). El SPANIARD libro: Tratan manages of Participativa en there there escuela, mientras that if it decides wools cuestiones woollen participacin en reuniones between los regulating los y profesores, en quienes los argued related subjects referring sound manages escuela there woollen, y wools actitudes that if toman en wools decisiones related con los profesores y wools pupils, between los subjects if argues los progresos of wools conditions woollen disciplines ellas applied, en wools cuales wools pupils estn aprendiendo in, necesitando siempre to be repiensa en el wool use educative activities, y aun cuando joins manages democratic y los participativas for wools nuevas wool companies activities en wools areas that estn implied en demand to learn woollen escuela there, of such manera since created el there director y all facultad y el to learn, between otros referring the departments there woollen escuela as secretariats y the los departments of educative orientaes.

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Sciences School

To understand the Real meant of the Ambient Education, it is necessary to invest in studies and research. Inside of the daily pertaining to school, one perceives that the education of Sciences, general form, needs to suffer transformations. When coming back our looks toward an object more specific as the Ambient Education, this necessary understanding to be extended, to be gone deep and better argued the interior of the school, inside of the rooms of lesson, in the formation of our pupils and our professors. The school, beyond other medias is responsible for the education of the individual and consequentemente of the society, a time that already the view of information, this generates a dynamic and including system to all. The ambient education if constitutes in an including form of education, therefore it must infuse in educating a problematic critical conscience on the ambient one. Currently it is common the contamination of the water courses, atmospheric pollution, devastao of forests and bushes, the indiscriminate hunting and the extermnio of specimens of the fauna and the flora, inside of this context, are clear the necessity to change the behavior of the man in relation to the nature, in the direction to promote under a model of economic and conservacionistas practical sustainable development the compatibilizao of.

One program of Ambient Education to be effective must promote simultaneously, the development of knowledge, of attitudes and necessary abilities to the preservation and improvement of the ambient quality. It is used as laboratory, the urban, agricultural metabolism and its natural resources and physical, initiating for the school, becoming enlarged itself for the circunvizinhana and successively for the city, region, etc. the learning will be more effective will have been adapted to the situations of the real life or the way where pupil and professor live, everything this imbudo of the motto: to think globally, to act local.

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Indiscipline School

For Marcelo de Jesus Garci’a Article of opinion 28/06/2011 Indiscipline, school and family the indiscipline left inside of being an isolated and 0ccasional fact of the Brazilian schools. For being a question that mobilize professors, team pedagogical technique and it occupies the first periodical pages, of the most varied schools since the private public a, is asked: which would be an efficient method to brighten up such problem? The subject indiscipline, in the education area, is a question that must be evaluated in such way that if it analyzes which the points defective that the pertaining to school clientele takes to insurgir in relation to the norms established for these institutions. The pure shame is not the feeling of being such or such repreensvel object, but, in general, of being an object, that is, to recognize me in this decayed, dependent and immovable being that I am for they outrem. (Sartre, 1943, p.336). We go to point or to awake the society so that they rethink on a fact of utmost importance in the learning system, the questions of disciplines. Professors and parents of pupils are if seeing obliged to recognize the defeat: given the pupil to the option between going or lacking to the lesson, the student, many times prefers to lack. Consequently he does not study, he thickens the group of baguna, adheres to other inherent habits the nature human being. Tired to see the classrooms empty either because the pupil decided to lack, either because ' ' algum' ' father registered worried it another school? the colleges born under the beginning of the less rules better look for to develop next to the pupilos ' ' a contract pedaggico' '. The times are more moderate also for the educators. If until the two decades schools they saw with good eyes the master who, in intention to come close itself to the pupils, went to congregate itself, with them in ' ' barzinhos' ' , today what they demand, before everything, is that the professor knows to impose respect.

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