The Circus in the school Prof. Rullyend Saints In the current days we argue, which is the ideal prescription for a full learning and efficient, the employed techniques are many so that the pupil more good plays in the classroom its intellectual capacities and potentialities you specify, the boarded playful activities in the education environment are multiple and appear the circus activity, as one strong artistic trend and source of disciplines. y – you may have come to the same conclusion. The artistic education must have innumerable purposes, serves as perspective therapy, therefore they are added has a sincere and tendencioso objective in the direction to make with that child if establishes more good in the society, its efficient techniques take the pupil to have a look I criticize on it encircles what it, and we know it disciplines that it allied to the effort of takes to the pupil to identify it contents, stimulating it and certainly contributing for the construction of its personality. The fantastic world of the circus activities guarantees the child, a bigger easiness of if relating with its fancies, and its mechanisms and techniques widely used, they can assist the pupil to diminish learning problems, and leading best to deal with its ansiedades, difficulties, successes and even though failure, the circus activities ally to an intense training helps the child to understand and to improve its behavior, and to take care of its daily necessities, and to supply to new routes and different chances. The circus introduced in the complement form to interdisciplinar helps the child in practises physics and intellectual, the cognitivo development considered by global it and, and approaches different forms of knowledge, that goes since the creation of an artistic number until, the note conquest good and consequently excellent averages in classroom.