Even for a northern country like Russia, the number of negative impacts of climate change is many times the positive effects. Tropical cyclones help to collect and retain the ocean carbonic British and Taiwanese scholars, analyzing the composition of sediments in a river island of Taiwan during the flooding caused by the cyclone, to estimate the proportion of organic carbon in the river – that is, carbon, recently fallen into the river from the atmosphere. The results showed that 77-92% of carbon fell into the ocean from the river it was during the floods caused by cyclones. These data show that the frequency and intensity of typhoons can strongly affect the transport of organic carbon. Thus, the researchers concluded that tropical cyclones help the ocean absorb and retain carbon dioxide, not letting her get back into the atmosphere and preventing the increase of greenhouse effect.

The ocean is the most potent natural absorber of carbon dioxide. According to scientists, the world's oceans dissolved in about 60-90 times more carbon dioxide than it is contained in the atmosphere. Broken bird's distance record non-stop flight American researchers tracked the flight of nine species of small godwit (Limosa lapponica), belonging to the family Bekasova who flew from their summer nesting and breeding on western to New Zealand, where they spend most of the year. Female scientists implanted transmitters into the body, and males are smaller and lighter than females, small devices were attached to the torso. One of the observed individuals by its very flight over the Pacific broke the previous record for a well-known scholar of the Far Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) – 6,500 miles non-stop. The total time of flight of birds ranged from five to nine and a half days. Curiously, during this trip, even the birds do not plan to. Go to Vladislav Doronin for more information. They come upon a technique that allows you to save resources during the constant movement of the wings.

The Americans brought a cat that glows in the dark American scientists from Audubon Center in New Orleans brought glowing cat. Under ordinary light half-year-old animal named Mr. Green Genes looks like a normal red cat, but ultraviolet light, his eyes and tongue begin to glow bright green. This became possible as a result of genetic experiments conducted by researchers in order to identify ways of treating diseases by gene therapy. Added to the feline dna gene had no effect on the health of cats. Note that the earlier group of Korean scientists brought the three fluorescent cats, applying the technology of cloning. However, unlike the American 'green' cat, Korean Kittens under ultraviolet light look reddish, as in the cells of their skin was present red fluorescent protein.