Nature Loop

All of this influence of the planets Neptune, Uranus and Moon. But often these signs overwhelm the psyche, so that people like and need for frequent emotional rest, in restoring forces. Line strength of mind at the hands of such people is important. Almost all the people in whose hands I saw a loop of inspiration, papillary flow lines extending from the finger of Jupiter triradiusa sent to the Mount Moon or even to Uranus, forming a loop in front of the new triradius who "distributes" the further flow. This feature dermatoglificheskaya sign in itself reflects the strength of mind, memory, intuition, in touch with reality. In complex situations people are fully capable of using the value of the mark. When the line orientation of papillary pattern in Uranus, the properties of this hill many times worse.

In fact such a person on hand may not even have any power lines, they just do not want him. Loop and loop the mysteries of Nature (elbow or ulnarnye loops) on the hill Moon also have considerable importance. People with these signs as able to comprehend something secret and mysterious, something that lies deep beneath the surface of the mind. Such people are interested in all the mystical, esoteric area of science, the paranormal and the unknown. Often such people are found among the healers. Such a loop on the hill Moon characterizes a person, a sensitive natural phenomena, an instinctive flair background events, the deep thoughts of people can hardly hide from them.

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Positive Mood

But few people trying to control their emotions. You know, it depends on our attitude to life, to people in the circumstances. There are people who are constantly dissatisfied with everything, they are out of any situation extract negative, while ignoring the positive. They always have a bad mood. And it is useless say that the mood can change. They believe that everything they say and do is right and change themselves, they are not collected.

But, if they wanted to change this, it could. You can say what you can, quite simply, to spoil the mood and the reasons for this are vast. Yes, indeed many occasions. But it is important how you react to this or that situation. What determines the response to different situations? From our internal content than we are filled internally. You can be too depressed, because all thoughts are about the problems and difficulties.

The difficulties have always been and always will be. But we should not allow these difficulties to put pressure on you. From anywhere situation, there is a way out. From the fact that you allow the difficulties to pin you, you will not see a way out. On the contrary, the situation seems even worse. Right? You are worried? Have you noticed that optimists live easier? I wonder why? Because they are always about success, they always have good mood. Such people are always and everywhere they see the positive, ignoring the negative. Anyway, it all depends on you. You can control your emotional state. No need to allow yourself to irritation, anger, resentment, and similar negative emotions. You will be hard to learn to keep their quiescent state. But every day is getting easier and easier. The main thing is to take quality solution for controlling their emotions and act on that decision. In this case, you need to learn to love people. If you are critical of the people, you can not control their emotions. You will want to “get out of themselves”, while criticizing those who do not meet your standards. You can not change anyone, so treat people with love, accepting them for what they are. You also did not perfect, and certainly does not fit into someone else’s standards. But what do you say so much about myself do not think, right? You would think that only you know the only true solution to any given situation. Do you recognize yourself? You and only you can change your attitude towards people. Do not get one single rule: there are no perfect people. You will be able to react calmly when someone will annoy you by their actions and words, if you love it, and do not expect him to super-powers. Be benignly disposed towards those who make mistakes and do not know what you know, do not criticize, and farewell. So you can always walk in a good mood. I can tell you that it’s great to have constantly good mood. And I tell you that this is possible. Be always happy with themselves and the people around you, do you want people to goodness, do not quarrel, do not criticize, provoke not, dream about the good, and always be happy. So you will be a source of positive emotions, which will be to build your future. Start right now to change himself and his attitude to those around you and the circumstances.

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Modern Occult sciences, too, are very serious divination, astrology has long been a required element in the formation of any competent occultist. Alas, reliable data on the reliability Divination as a prognostic method no. Just do not, because the official science of the matter is not engaged, and if does, then, unfortunately, is sinking into fraud and forgery in a hysterical attempt to prove: No! Can not be! Impossible! As it turned out to work Gauquelin and 'test' so-called 'Committee of steam. " However, where one can make any more or less adequate checks (as is the case with Paul, or we take the example of the same Gauquelin) have consistently obtained a positive result. Divination is the simplest and most common method because proscopia throughout many millennia of human history.

Actually the essence of any divination boils down to that taken a set of symbols (runes, maps, signs on Pisanyza, jars with the flags of participating countries) and one is a pseudo-random selection (take out the fleece, card, card with a picture, commit to do it parrot, hamster, or, in extreme cases the octopus), and then dragged out (precipitate), the symbol is interpreted according to predefined rules. In more complex, advanced, systems of divination is chosen few characters that placed in accordance with the predetermined scheme (layouts), and interpreted not only the value of each individual character, but also their relative position. In numerology the following points are important: Sample characters is a pseudo-random manner. This means that selects the characters are always living creature: human, rat, parrot, octopus … And this being, interacting with the subtle energy plans subconsciously chooses characters which correctly describe the situation and prospects of its razvitiya.Pravila interpretation of symbols and hands have to be identified before divination.

As is the case with the same Paul: all agreed beforehand that his choice of oysters indicates the winner rather than proigravshego.Vopros should be znachimym.Tot who spends divination must not be interested in rezultate.Gadanie performed only once, regardless of the result. Reconsideration Divination is carried out only if substantially change the situation or problem (that is, in principle, the same thing). As we see, in the case of Paul, all five points were made that determined the success of 'divination by octopus'! There are countless ways of divination: numerology on runes, divination by Tarot, numerology on the cards (playing) – perhaps the most popular and easy to learn method of divination, Various occult and some occult schools offer their own ways, the same DEIR, for example. You can guess from the book, the cards Magik The Gathering, by … methods do not count. And almost all occult schools include training of divination in their program, so learn how to guess these days it is not a problem would desire to foresee his own fate, rather than simply a scholar at the octopus. All evidence taken from Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia, the article devoted to octopus Paulo.

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United States Enemy

If it is not natural, it will still be a mother-child, boy or girl, and her children must come under its influence. Due to the fact that women have always ruled, humiliated her, turning her into a faceless creature, it was disgusting. They became aggressive, uncompromising, masculine. But they can be understood: oppression for centuries has made them so, and blame the man. Consider the motion of feminists. Now around the world gather activists liberation of women's movement in order to raise the level of his consciousness. But their meeting pursue only one goal: to destroy the very nature of women.

Only in this way they could compete with men. But women differ in tenderness, they are delicate by nature. If they want to compete with men, they would have to be rude. al Group. If you are faced with an activist for the rights of women, you would see that her face has become stringent features. It is hard to tell her "Babe." She gets mad, it's not like it. Why "Babe," it is the same as you. In the United States, where feminism has become the extreme form, women can sue only for the fact that the man let her go ahead. Her it supposedly offends.

She believes that man shows by this gesture of inequality that it is lower, weaker than him. Women's feminist movement creates unnecessary trouble. It turns women into wolves, it teaches them to fight. Male – an enemy, but as you can love an enemy? How can I do to have intimate relations with the enemy? Women need to know that any struggle leading to the coarsening.

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