We detach in this itinerary, categories of analysis? time calendar, generation and signal, to the side of the goal-historical categories – space of experience and horizon of expectation, in intention to widen the understanding of the history of the formation of this nesting. We interview six (06) seated (), the first teacher of the School of the Nesting and a priest, considered as father of the nesting. Of the seated ones interviewed five (05) they had participated of the occupation. One (01) still was child at the time, it spoke with sufficient emotion of its teacher, of the relation between school and community, spoke of the good souvenirs of the festividades that time has does not exist more. According to Richard Linklater, who has experience with these questions. Our intention, therefore, was to produce an analysis of the historical direction of facts, searching to understand its subjective nature and the direction that is attributed to it by the protagonists of this history. Others will be able to read and to write of different form the historical fact, here object of our study. better to present the results of this research we opt to breaking up the text of development of this article in three parts, namely: Of the History of the Nesting Good Village Hope, memorial Signals: of the imbricao between history and memory and the School and the Nesting: a to be redefined relation. 2 Of the History of the Nesting Good Village Hope Are two decades of history, without written register, that say of the Nesting Good Village Hope.
An action concatenated with the Agrarian Reformation of our Country. ' ' The Law that regulates the agrarian Reformation in Brazil is Law 8,629 of 1993. As it consists in its articles, small the average properties cannot be dispossessed for the Agrarian Reformation, since that its respective proprietor does not withhold another property rural' ' (LEITE& AVILA, 2007, p17) Started ' ' with much fight and much will of wanting a handspan of terra' ' as in the seated Edvaldo says to them -, the Nesting Good Village Hope, located in the City of Valena, if inserts in the context of the Agrarian Reformation.