The paper of the Family in the Learning to develop in adequate way biological, motor, physiological and also psychological the aspects, the child needs the intervention and mediation of the parents. The mediation between the child and the social reality if of, most of the time, for lives deeply familiar. The task to educate the child is, therefore, first of the family. In this way, it is necessary that it has good familiar bonds, for the good development of the person. In accordance with Barone (apud OLIVEIRA, 2003), in the family, the mother is the mediating between the child and the world. The child, to the rising, differently of the animals, does not obtain to survive alone. It needs, since the first instant of the mediation of another person to assist it to satisfy it its necessities.
Such mediation if of first, and more directly, for the mother and, after that, the culture that the fence and that it understands through the language and of the knowledge. The family is the mediating between child and the external reality and this is an essential reality in the creation of the bases so that the child has a healthful mental development. The familiar affection produces a climate emotional so that the development of the child is favorable in all its aspects. For Winnicott (2005), the child needs this exchange of affection to have good development. The children and young need to feel that they belong to a family.
She knows yourself that the family is the base any being, does not mention here only to blood family, but families also constructed through affection bows. Family, in the direction amplest, is a set of people who if join for the desire to be together, to construct something and of if complementing. She is through these relations that the people can become more human beings, learning to more live the game of the affectivity in adjusted way.