LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EA: Ambient education ONU: Organizations of United Nations: ONGs: Organizations not governmental ONGS UNCED: Conference of United Nations for the Environment and Development MMA: Ministry of the Environment, the Hdricos Resources and Legal Amaznia MINC: Ministry of Culture PNEA: National plan of Ambient Education SGA: System of Ambient Management Par: Ambient liabilities SUMMARY The ambient question if has become more frequently argued the measure where if it evidences that the interference of the human being on the natural systems can compromise, as much the quality of life of the current world-wide population, as the life of the next generations. Decurrent the problems caused to the environment of the action of the man, have been object of some studies for the most diverse areas of knowledge. The solution of the ambient problems depends on the persistence of each segment of the society, depends on all we. The proposal of this work are to point possibilities of if working the Ambient Education in enterprise environment, as well as, enabling enterprise pedagogos to work inside with this subject of the companies. The Ambient Education considers to rescue moral and ethical values, in order to use the natural resources of rational and not predatory form, forming sustainable and, responsible and above all conscientious societies. Word-Key: ambient question, next generations, action of the man, enterprise environment, to enable enterprise pedagogos, moral and ethical values, natural resources and sustainable societies.