The child perceives itself that the stimulaton and the accompaniment for the family of the reading of the children finish for having positive implications, when initiates the formal learning of the reading in the school. Not yet the necessary school is easy to develop this partnership more if to charge of the responsibility to promote this approach between the School and Family. LIBNEO standes out that: Education is the set of action, processes, Influences, structures that intervine in the human development of individuals and group in the active relation with the natural and social environment, in one determined context of relations between social groups and classrooms (LIBNEO 2000 P. 22). Leaving of this context it is understood that to narrow the bows between school and the family it is important to make a study of the familiar context in the relation with the pertaining to school context, turning itself toward as the parents see its paper in the process of escolarizao of its children thus will be possible to analyze the current situation of the parents and its difficulties in following the pertaining to school process of the children, as well as its position in relation to the school. It stops beyond the traditional events that the school promotes as: parties of Christmas, Day of the Mother, Day of the Father, the school can offer chances more diversified than they make possible the participation of the family with the objective to improve the pertaining to school space. The responsible parents and/or can participate, for example, in the support to the library and room of study, in the organization of activities of free times. For this the school must know the availabilities and abilities of the families, to have chance to offer formation for specific functions that the responsible parents/can come to play in the school, and to chronometer the activities leading in consideration the availabilities of the family.