The Ambient Education has an important paper in the formation of the human beings, mainly when it is treated in the relation of the man with the nature. Generally, it is developed by the agencies of ambient protection and comes being pautada for the exchange of knowledge in the area of the environment. But the paper of the school as educative agent in this area would have to be more decisive in the formation of the citizens. If it cannot forget that the school is not the only educative agent and that the standards of familiar behaviors and the information through the media exert special paper in the influence on adolescents. As for the environment, it has many information, values and procedures learned for what one becomes and if says in house. Moreover the radio and the television are an important source of information for the maiorias of the people on the environment, but many times the ambient question is boarded of superficial form for the different medias.

To each day that passes, due to several factors, the problems go being more serious as the contamination and the scarcity of the water, great part of the Land really suffer with chronic lack of this precious liquid, with me the distribution and contamination for sewer and forest pollutants of the rivers, springs and reserves. 20% of the collected sanitary sewer in urban areas only receive treatment! The water is very important for the planet: it composes 70% of the human body, 75% of the terrestrial crust is vital for all the beings livings creature. Therefore it must be treated as well essential to the life and the health of the planet. The man subordinated and transformed the nature its favor without thinking about the consequences as, the erosion, due to withdrawal of the vegetation and the construction of cities, roads, industries, etc. industrialization took to the exaggerated launching of pollutants in the atmosphere producing multiple effect on the environment, as the global heating that is a fever that the planet comes facing with the increase of the temperature, having as consequence the rise of the level of the oceans, the desertificao (sprouting and growth of the desert), the disappearance of forests and its animal and vegetal species, beyond the increase of catastrophes as floods, great fires, tufes, etc.

Another great problem caused for the human development is the production of great amounts of garbage, that the natural systems do not obtain to metabolizar. Our way of consumista life and wastefulnesses generates much substance that if it accumulates in the environment, poluindo and causing illnesses, to the human beings and the proper environment. All these factors mentioned show in them that the world estem danger. Nodevemos forgetting in them that the modification of an element it ecosystem provokes a reaction in chain, in which all finishes being reached, also the human beings that are part of ecosystems, as any another animal as the plants. Ahead of this, each time more important becomes to know these problems and to understand that we are integrant of this way and responsible for it. To fight for a better environment is an exercise of citizenship and small changes in the habits, in order to be able to guarantee a better and healthful world. An important form to collaborate with the conservation of the environment is to follow the elaboration of the ambient agenda of its school, its quarter, to be a conscientious consumer and to denounce the aggressions against the environment.