The professional ' ' particular.' means trainer personal is who executes the accompaniment service; ' Grandson (2008). The evolution of the personal market training in Brazil made with that the professionals of Physical Education had a significant change in relation to the perspectives and chances of work MOSCATELLO (2007) the service consists of offering exclusiveness in the attendance and the accompaniment, Promoting greater motivation and incentive of the pupil or customer, to make possible with objetividade, security and efficiency the elaboration of the programs, To demonstrate to the comfort and the advantages of the choice of places, schedules and activities, To make possible the necessary satisfaction to the continuity of the program, to promote the quality of life for the lapsing of the activity Arantes physics Port (2000). Who already has its ' ' personal' ' , or particular professor, does not want more to know of standardized lessons VIEIRA (2009). After years of directed academic studies to the scientific formation, many of the professionals of the area of the physical education channel its energies to the market of Mller work (2008). According to Sectorial Nucleus of Academy of Rattlesnake (2010) is an attractive field and comes if detaching. The search of the public for the personalized training grew vertiginously, in consequence, promoted a proportional growth to the personal number to trainer in the city of Rattlesnake for the increasing demand of some bacharis in physical education in reason to exist varies College located in this region. The service of this Physical Educator particular lode to open way for a new market of work that lacked in the area of health VIEIRA (2009). However, the professional performance of the personalized trainer does not seem to only enclose the physical training of the customer and its accurate moment of execution, but totality of its daily one. It seems to include, also, the control of its daily routine, its alimentary habits, its schedules of sleep, its clothes, its familiar and social relations; intervening, many times, in its personal decisions.