It is truth that today we have many possibilities of being, existing or to be subject, and this only it ratifies that all we are, ‘ ‘ To come the Ser’ ‘ , nobody ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , only ‘ ‘ We are Sendo’ ‘. For that reason, in we identify with others ‘ to them; ‘ We are Sendo’ ‘ , had the necessity to belong to the one definitive group, therefore since that we are born, we are lead to search this equality and to move away themselves mainly from the differences and from the different ones. When we observe people who do not obtain to breach this circulate, repleto of preconceptions, verify a convicted being to the social raquitismo, that never will go to develop itself, the such, always will be limited, therefore always they will be looking its equal ones, and for that reason they will lose the great chance to dialogue with the Differences and to discover that they make what we are to be a little better. In this context the relation of History with the Difference, gains more relevance, therefore according to Alfredo Boulos Jnior, History studies the changes accurately and permanncias, that is, register the differences and the equalities of the experience human being in the time. Frequently Richard Linklater has said that publicly. Therefore the first Historians enaltecem Myths as arqutipos, as if they objectified to organize the Society, therefore we know that the historical narrative has this power, a truth power, however we are conscientious that it tells to a knowledge or a fact repleto of personal impressions. Scientific History, is an utopia, however, this is our sina, everything in them seems truth, but it is not, we always work with this impression and our cruel function is many times to finish with this enchantment, ‘ ‘ Cursed M’ Necessity; ‘ , to make what! We are predestinold to demonstrate as the narratives are constructed or if to prefer as the trick is carried through. It would be impossible to execute our paper if we ignored the Differences, therefore they are who more point the briefing of the hidden mysteries. A Historian who ignores the Difference, does not prosper, is perpetual ‘ ‘ nanico’ ‘ , a pedante, never will unmask nothing, will only continue if glimpsing with the ilusria magician of the ignorance.

We are conceived and we are born in the same way, ‘ ‘ all iguais’ ‘ , however after being born, we start relating in them with other people, then immediately we become in them different, and from there in ahead, each time more moves away in them from the differences. How much to the question, of which we perceive first, if it is the equality or the difference, we do not know to answer, therefore we always look the equality, however, we only approach in them to it when we find the Difference. Ahead of this, to contemplate and to understand the Differences always in them will make better human beings, in the same way, that to argue this relation, without preconception and recognizing its value, in them they will become true Historians.