Ambient Education

The quality of atmospheric air premakes use to a type of generating discomfort of behavior of all unexpected. The biological formation of the human being does not allow one divorces nature. The ambient ecologists for the deepening of the study of the structure and the development of the communities human beings in its relations with the environment and its consequence adaptation it, as well as, new caused aspects the conditions of life of the human beings for the technological processes or of the system of social organization, had assumed a role of basic importance in the modern world. The happened maleficent effect of the aggression of the nature are for the immoderate use of agrotxicos, communitarian contamination of sources, nestings without urbansticos plans, absence of educative programs with regard to the importance of the environment, little or no concern with the sanitation, negligence with the adequate destination of the electronic dejections, control of the garbage since its generation until the final destination. The environment is being attacked of some forms for the human beings, this relation of destruction this on directly with the quick growth of the population human being, that it provokes decay of its quality and of its capacity to support the life, is not only enough to denounce the estragos made for the man in the nature, is necessary an educative process, with pro-ambient and social attitudes. For this reason the Ambient Education is of basic importance because all deserve to usufruct the welfare yielded for the nature. 2 AMBIENT EDUCATION AND SUPPORT According to Days, (2004, P. 16): The loss of the ambient balance, folloied of the cultural erosion, social, economic injustice and violence, as corollary of its lack of perception, its ethical impoverishment and spiritual, also fruit, of a type of education that? it trains? the people to be useful, self-centered consumers and to ignore the ecological consequences of its acts.

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Basic Education

Therefore, he must yourself first be analyzed and be had conscience if that product are necessary for the survival of the human beings, knowing that the natural resources are necessary for the survival. The positive question is a bigger awareness and valuation of the environment, but the humanity still is far from learning to consume and to interact with its half one, to understand that it is a participant being of the natural cycle, and not dominant. This sample that the society comes ignoring, even though menosprezando, the daily ecological relations between it and the nature, giving edge to the sprouting of an ambient catastrophe that will be able to blow up in a future not very distant. Learn more on the subject from Kindle Direct Publishing. It can be concluded that, to keep the quality of life and, even though, the life on the land, the societies human beings must change radically its positions and action in relation to the environment. 2.3? AMBIENT EDUCATION IN the SCHOOL To speak on a so complex subject as the environment is of utmost importance, therefore ‘ ‘ the subject environment will develop pertinent position and values to the relations between the human beings, and of excellent form to work the subject environment as method that expressa.’ ‘ (KINGS, 2000, P. 37) It is also of great importance that the human being contributes actively for the improvement of the environment where garbage in the streets lives with more education not playing, looking for always to make the good.

In this direction, having form creativity partner ones with the others so that they can have a better world, the school is the main focus for the development of our pupils so that they can have performance, respect and responsibility with the society and the environment where we live, looking for to develop with interaction. Also it is paper of the school to impose more important rules that they regulate activities human beings, imposing right duties and guaranteeing, showing that the pupils can help to decide the problems of the way where we live. Another important aspect of the professor, restricting the social matters to the scope of the locality that are inserted as a whole, in national and international level, on in a net of social and ambient interactions that lead in content, relating an intellectual development of the pupils. (ANDRAL, 1991, P. 43) It is, therefore, of great importance to lead in consideration what one becomes inside of the school. Of this form, the controllers of the education had included thematic ‘ ‘ environment ‘ ‘ in the national curricular parameters (PCN) as transversal subject, therefore each time more the ambient question comes being considered important for the society.

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Sciences School

To understand the Real meant of the Ambient Education, it is necessary to invest in studies and research. Inside of the daily pertaining to school, one perceives that the education of Sciences, general form, needs to suffer transformations. When coming back our looks toward an object more specific as the Ambient Education, this necessary understanding to be extended, to be gone deep and better argued the interior of the school, inside of the rooms of lesson, in the formation of our pupils and our professors. The school, beyond other medias is responsible for the education of the individual and consequentemente of the society, a time that already the view of information, this generates a dynamic and including system to all. The ambient education if constitutes in an including form of education, therefore it must infuse in educating a problematic critical conscience on the ambient one. Currently it is common the contamination of the water courses, atmospheric pollution, devastao of forests and bushes, the indiscriminate hunting and the extermnio of specimens of the fauna and the flora, inside of this context, are clear the necessity to change the behavior of the man in relation to the nature, in the direction to promote under a model of economic and conservacionistas practical sustainable development the compatibilizao of.

One program of Ambient Education to be effective must promote simultaneously, the development of knowledge, of attitudes and necessary abilities to the preservation and improvement of the ambient quality. It is used as laboratory, the urban, agricultural metabolism and its natural resources and physical, initiating for the school, becoming enlarged itself for the circunvizinhana and successively for the city, region, etc. the learning will be more effective will have been adapted to the situations of the real life or the way where pupil and professor live, everything this imbudo of the motto: to think globally, to act local.

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Public Relations Development

In the last times we follow the behavior of the human beings and the impacts that are being caused in the Environment and the society. The exacerbado development of the population ally the globalization is causing catastrophes that threaten to each day that passes the life in this Planet. Observing this picture we perceive that to revert or simplesmentente to attenuate this problematic one it is necessary and it demands urgency. With this, the main changes are seen inside of the companies and in the communities in which they are inserted, since, if fomented between its public it becomes more easy the implantation of social and ambient action for damages (R.S.A). In this context, the force of the Social Communication enters as facilitador factor for the promotion of action of socioambiental matrix and awareness. To create possibilities for the participation of all and to stimulate the application of habits that more assist in the learning and the addition of information for the formation of individuals responsible they can and they must be played by these professionals, who qualified for this, contribute in the reversion of this process. When approaching the languages, the communication between the public brings benefits to the institutions and communities, beyond contributing with the personal development and the ambient preservation. Soon, she is notable who performance of the professional of Public Relations if becomes basic in this aspect, therefore as a development agent and diffusion of information brings resulted significant allies to the R.S.A. knowledge. Valley to remember also, that its importance is given in such a way in what says respect to the socioambientais abilities, as in other diverse segments in which is necessary its attributions.

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Sustainable Education

The Ambient Education is seen today as a perspective of active change of the reality and the conditions of life, for intermediary of the happened awareness of the reflective social process in diverse formal educative spaces and not-deeds of division. Under this vision the main objective of this article is to reflect on the importance of the Ambient Education it sustainable development and to argue concerning the current society assuring the importance of the planetary complexity and the questions that evolvem its practical applicability as half to guarantee the support searching a style of sustainable life and the construction of a holistic paradigm that guideline the man the nature and the world, as necessary party in the attempt of an Education for the sustainable development. Sustainable development. Society contemporary. etails and insights.

This practical study considers reflection on the social ones in the context characterized for the destruction of the environment leaving of the diagnosis that the industrial capitalist society is based on the profit and the consumption and comes being during much consumista and progressive time. The purpose of the work with this subject is to supply subsidies necessary to create new attitudes and behaviors face to the consumption in our society and to instigate necessary changes the awareness route the production based on the sustainable development. The human beings inhabit today in an environment created, where the industry contemporary, together with science and the technology, modified and still it modifies the nature with insonhveis attitudes in risk space that, in the extreme limit, at risk deposits the survival of the species human being. In accordance with Morim, the ecological risks are the result of the expansion of science and the technology. Ahead of the necessity of change of social behavior for the effectiveness of the concept of sustainable development, ‘ is necessary; ‘ to educate for the understanding humana’ ‘ (Morin, 2002, p.93).

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Pedagogical University

However, its application on this work consisted, in the assistance of lessons in two groups, in the Intermediate school Ours Mrs. of Ftima in order to survey the degree of exploration and transmission of ambient contents in headquarters of manipulation of transversal subjects during the lessons of Biology. 1.6.3.Tcnica of Interview According to Universal Dictionary of Portuguese Language (1999), Interview, ' ' it is conference enters two people in place and hour anticipatedly agreed, or are a colloquy efectuada between two or more interlocutors, in order to get one definitive informao' '. This method, was used to interview professors and pupils, in order to get information related with the degree of depth of interaco and agreement on subjects related with the conservation of the environment. 1.7.Delimitao of the Subject This work is fit in the line of research and scientific inquiry. It focuses its study on ' ' Not capitalizaton of the lessons of biology for the practical one of the Ambient Educao in the Intermediate school of the Estoril in the Beira' ' , as sustentation in the elaboration of the report for the conclusion of the acadmico degree of baccalaureate in Ensino de Biologia for the Pedagogical University. theoretical 1.8.Fundamentao As DAYS (2003) the evolution of the concepts of Ambient Education directly was related to the evolution of the environment concept and to the way as this perceived age. As the concept of environment was reduced exclusively its natural aspects, it did not allow to appreciate the interdependences nor the contribution of social sciences and others to the understanding and improvement of the human environment. With passing of the time, but necessarily in the Conference of Tbilisi, the Georgia, in 1977, the Ambient Education was defined as a dimension given to the content and the practical one of the education, guided for the resolution of the concrete problems of the environment, through an approach to interdisciplinar and of an active and responsible participation of each individual and of the colectividade (UNESCO, 1980).

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