During century IX and XX the economic and social development of our country brought obtains social damages, therefore in a context of economic, industrial and urban growth they are inserted the aggravation of the social crises: proliferation of tenement houses, marginality, misery and crime, without isentar the minors who each time more early were directed to search, to fight for the sustenance and to promote its survival. Thus, they created new social rules that would guarantee ' to them; ' felicidade' ' leaving to usufruct of the educational, intellectual and social development. These minors influenced for the social environment where they lived were placed to the edge of the society by means of repression. All those that not if they inserted in the process of rules and productivity of the society was condemned the vagrancy and predestinold the repression. Such attitudes, of a child or adolescent, are recognized as revolt or social indifference. The desires of this individual in direction its happiness are fixed in distress and frustrations lived deeply in its I circulate social. These desires in search of its happiness find pleasure in the infraction of rules, the violence or the use of narcotics that ' ' suspendero' ' its you distress.
Before interacting with its pairs, the child is influenced by its parents. Since the birth she is submitted the multiple rules to discipline and same before speaking she takes conscience of that she possesss certain obligations. The social rules that the child learns do not correspond to its necessities and interests. For this reason, Piaget believes that it would be artificial to study the moral development from the comment of as the child understands and obeys such rules (Cria-Sabini, 1986). However, one admits that the moral is passvel of being conquered by the education. Each individual passes for a series of pressures on the part of the adults which determine and favor the moral heteronmica, clearly visible as being a relation of having and obligation.