The loss of the physical force that the deficiency brings to the individual makes with that the same if it pledges in activities that do not involve physical effort. The intellectual and professional activities fill the space destined to the physical effort that an individual in its full physical form can carry through. But it has cases where the deficient one is felt ahead inhibited of the fact to have that to continue with the studies. The fact to have that to surpass the referring difficulties to the examinations, the tests and the academic subjects it can become, in the majority of the cases, a barrier ahead of the deficient one. To deal with the responsibilities that a half academic imposes the individual can make with the person with deficiency is inhibited and pass not to search to surpass the difficulties. The human being, being in freedom condition and being responsible for what it chooses for its life, depends only on itself exactly to construct its existence in the world. Being thus, the individual with deficiency when making a choice to enter in a college or to pass in a competition to obtain a position must make responsible for its choice, depending only on itself exactly to continue its existencial trajectory.

Exactly ahead of an obstacle that the academic world and the professional world impose to it, the deficient one must have responsibility after to decide between continuing fighting or to give up to face the difficulties. The form as the deficient physicist deals with world to its redor and with the people also it is important. The deficient one for if feeling different of the too much individuals and for having faced losses throughout the convivncia with the deficiency, appeal what if &#039 could call one; ' couraa' ' it protects that it of the perigos of the world that passes to be seen as being dangerous and harmful for the same.