Relation professor-pupil and the motivation of the pupil in basic education the daily pertaining to school is permeado by many situations, and amongst them, a fact lived deeply in my pertaining to school period marked deeply my experience as pupil. As pupil, he had that to be submissa and aptica, therefore the professor did not give questioning option. In the difficulties during the learning, she was restrained when it requested a new explanation of the content, and this occurred as many times that mine autoestima if undid, provoking an interior conflict desmotivou that me to continue studying. My family, exactly with low economic power registered, me a particular school to make the Ginasial, since he was not ours I privilege to have this right in the public school. She felt me enthusiastic for being in this pertaining to school phase, but when in the school, this animation diminua, therefore the professor entered in the room and he did not give a good day. She did not have dialogue, this if she summarized basically to the explanation of the contents contained in didactic books. The professor was the transmitter of the knowledge, a dictator, and I passive pupil, who was hours behind a wallet making copies and in silence. Approaching the paper of the school, I cannot leave to consider the influence that the professor has in the life of the pupil and its learning, being served as model in the development of the social abilities.

Considering this boarding, based in theoretical beddings, I search a critical vision on the performance and the methods adopted for the professors in the day the day, its social attitude and the motivation as factor that it conducts learning learning. The education is not static, and the classroom a space where we learn values and attitudes. It hisses (apud FREIRE 2007), argues that the education is free and does not happen in isolated way, individual.