The arbitrariedade of the government was so great as it describes Piletti (1997), how much to the School-State relation: ' ' The popular advances had been also contained in the area of the education. Numerous schools had been invaded by the policy, many professors and students had been imprisoned and exiled and all the schools had passed to be observed by agents of the agencies of information of the government, under the control of the National Service of Informaes (SNI) ' '. (PILETTI, 1997, p.201) Therefore the government used the school to doutrinar children, young and adults punishing severely somebody that if considered to intervine to its commands and interests. At this moment to the school it started to follow norms, in compass the professors had the same adhered to the model by which they were treated resulting in an educator who started to assume the position of dictator in classroom, being silenced and doutrinando pupils tormando the possible followers, as machines who obey and only serve its commands, a knowledge deposit. Despite the professors also have been silenced, in such way that he overshadowed our cultural life, silencing the intellectuals and artists in consequncia intimidating professors and pupils.
Piletti (1997), when questioning the function of the education and the school in the Military Regimen affirms that: ' ' From 1964, the Brazilian education, in the same way that the other sectors of the national life, started to be victim of the authoritarianism that if it installed in the country. Reforms had been effected in all the education levels, imposed from top to bottom, without the participation of the interested greaters? pupils, professors and other sectors of the society. The results are the ones that we see in almost all our schools: raised indices of repetncia and pertaining to school evasion, schools with deficiency of material and human resources, professors pessimamente remunerated and without motivation to work, high taxes of analfabetismo.' ' (PILETTI, 1997, p.114) Perhaps from there if it has initiated the great problem that we have today with the education, what we witness today in the public schools and exactly what Piletti it describes as failure pertaining to school, high level of repetncia and great descompromisso of some educators with an education of greater and better quality. The occured changes in the education mainly the relations that had occurred in the scope of the public school from the apparatus created by the military with the purpose to contain the contrary manifestations to the regimen and to remain themselves without bigger resistncias in the power, had significantly aggravated the situation of the public school nowadays.