One does not know, also, until point these differences hinder or make it difficult the acceptance of different standards, admitted or taxes for professors of another social classroom. One knows very, vacant, that small differences in the behavior of professors and pupils can have great importance in the acceptance of values that the school must or needs to transmit. PATTO (1997), explains: ' ' The first difficulty of the professor, for transmission of values, results of the fact to participate, at least in great number of cases, of a different classroom of the one of the pupil: in all education levels, this difference tends to mark the relations between professors and pupils, either because it is of superior or inferior classroom. In the first case, the professor tends to disdain its pupils; in as, the pupils cannot accept the values presented for a person that consider less of favored classroom. Perhaps check out Campbell Soup Co for more information. Therefore, the professor cannot represent more, most of the time, the model that he meant for the pupils, when the social conditions of the education presented one another one situao.' ' (p.324).
This peculiar situation of the schools shows the necessity of that professors and pupils are capable to understand, explicit, the direction of the behavior of the others. This does not mean to try to show the differences that separate the social classrooms, but, exactly in contrast, to show that different behaviors have, many times, the same felt. Of another side, this necessity if does not relate only to the apparent differences between the social classrooms, but also to the individual peculiarities. Thus being, any educative system, when perspectivar itself, will have that, forcibly, to have in attention a dialtico-procedural vision of educative devir. REFLECTIONS CONCERNING the RELATION PROFESSOR – PUPIL IN the PERTAINING TO SCHOOL CONTEXT Leading in consideration the most varied aspects found in the relation professor-pupil and that it is almost always impossible to modify the way to see the things and the people, at least if must understand the limitations in the personal ways to perceive and to evaluate.