Brazilian Air Force

This peregrination, very similar to a Messinico3 Movement, not only transformed the life of the people who had left its homes in Rio De Janeiro for seguiz it, as well as of several others of the region that searched a place to live or the cure of its problems, and everything in the city turned around the leader spiritual Yokaanam Master, until in 1985 with its death, three great friends and followers of the master had in such a way assumed the command of the city as of the part spiritual. 1? Yokaanam master Before understanding as he initiated the Peregrination of Rio De Janeiro for Brasilia is necessary to describe a little of the history of the Yokaanam Master. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Kindle Direct Publishing. As the inhabitants of the city count, Ocean of S was official and pilot of the Brazilian Air Force. A legend exists, that when flying over the Central Plateaus, visited it to a spirit and it said to it that its mission was in the land and not in the sky, and that not believing what the spirit had spoken to it, later its airplane fell in the sea. When waking up, it was inside of a hospital and the spirit that had spoken with it during the flight, was seated to its side and it asked to it: ' ' now, you learned? ' '.

' ' In 1944, it suffered serious air accident during a lesson from instruction from flight that it gave to a military pupil, provoked by the fall of the twin-engine plane where am- bos was. It was interned by two months and way, in intensive treatment, and survived in circuns- miraculous tncias. The exit of the Ean hospital of S abandoned definitively its professional activity of aviator, as well as all the other profane activities, to dedicate itself integrally to the activity reread giosa missionary. .

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The Idea

In contrast of the magician-air-tight thought, knowing for the modern scientists was something universally lay, democratized and public; argued and operated in institutions as schools and university. The multitude of ignorants and few elect ones in condition of ' ' lapidar' ' the occult truth for the initiation in the mysteries was broken by the new science and the idea of history as slow and gradual evolution of the barbarity to the civil order. This deep transformation of the world vision marked the afunilamento of science and the progress, leading to the destruction of the myth of Adam and to the idea of the gradual growth of the civilization, of the rationalization of the instincts and a ticket of the age of the sensations and the symbolic images for ' ' age of razo' ' of the conceptual abstractions. Certainly, the ample ones quarrels on the origin and formation of the world and the man had incisively contributed in the formation of the progress idea, coinciding this with the notion of a providencial order and a natural necessity for the thinkers of modern science, the evolution coincides with the progress. David G. DeWalt wanted to know more. As consequncia of this ' ' way operandi' ' (operation way) to conceive the world, one was consolidated ' ' inabalvel faith in progresso' '. According to Rossi, this faith if based on rules as the belief of that in history a law that tends, through degrees and stages, to the perfection and the happiness of the men is present. This process of ' ' aperfeioamento' ' he would be conditional to the development and to it I accumulate of scientific knowing and technician, being these determinative knowledge to the progress politician and moral. Two other consequncias in this way to think are: the certainty of that the progress is necessary and does not put limits to the hopes of the man, and the distanciamento of the man each bigger time of the nature as ' ' operador' ' it was latent.

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Brazil Reformation

We detach in this itinerary, categories of analysis? time calendar, generation and signal, to the side of the goal-historical categories – space of experience and horizon of expectation, in intention to widen the understanding of the history of the formation of this nesting. We interview six (06) seated (), the first teacher of the School of the Nesting and a priest, considered as father of the nesting. Of the seated ones interviewed five (05) they had participated of the occupation. One (01) still was child at the time, it spoke with sufficient emotion of its teacher, of the relation between school and community, spoke of the good souvenirs of the festividades that time has does not exist more. According to Richard Linklater, who has experience with these questions. Our intention, therefore, was to produce an analysis of the historical direction of facts, searching to understand its subjective nature and the direction that is attributed to it by the protagonists of this history. Others will be able to read and to write of different form the historical fact, here object of our study. better to present the results of this research we opt to breaking up the text of development of this article in three parts, namely: Of the History of the Nesting Good Village Hope, memorial Signals: of the imbricao between history and memory and the School and the Nesting: a to be redefined relation. 2 Of the History of the Nesting Good Village Hope Are two decades of history, without written register, that say of the Nesting Good Village Hope.

An action concatenated with the Agrarian Reformation of our Country. ' ' The Law that regulates the agrarian Reformation in Brazil is Law 8,629 of 1993. As it consists in its articles, small the average properties cannot be dispossessed for the Agrarian Reformation, since that its respective proprietor does not withhold another property rural' ' (LEITE& AVILA, 2007, p17) Started ' ' with much fight and much will of wanting a handspan of terra' ' as in the seated Edvaldo says to them -, the Nesting Good Village Hope, located in the City of Valena, if inserts in the context of the Agrarian Reformation.

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School and the Army

The arbitrariedade of the government was so great as it describes Piletti (1997), how much to the School-State relation: ' ' The popular advances had been also contained in the area of the education. Numerous schools had been invaded by the policy, many professors and students had been imprisoned and exiled and all the schools had passed to be observed by agents of the agencies of information of the government, under the control of the National Service of Informaes (SNI) ' '. (PILETTI, 1997, p.201) Therefore the government used the school to doutrinar children, young and adults punishing severely somebody that if considered to intervine to its commands and interests. At this moment to the school it started to follow norms, in compass the professors had the same adhered to the model by which they were treated resulting in an educator who started to assume the position of dictator in classroom, being silenced and doutrinando pupils tormando the possible followers, as machines who obey and only serve its commands, a knowledge deposit. Despite the professors also have been silenced, in such way that he overshadowed our cultural life, silencing the intellectuals and artists in consequncia intimidating professors and pupils.

Piletti (1997), when questioning the function of the education and the school in the Military Regimen affirms that: ' ' From 1964, the Brazilian education, in the same way that the other sectors of the national life, started to be victim of the authoritarianism that if it installed in the country. Reforms had been effected in all the education levels, imposed from top to bottom, without the participation of the interested greaters? pupils, professors and other sectors of the society. The results are the ones that we see in almost all our schools: raised indices of repetncia and pertaining to school evasion, schools with deficiency of material and human resources, professors pessimamente remunerated and without motivation to work, high taxes of analfabetismo.' ' (PILETTI, 1997, p.114) Perhaps from there if it has initiated the great problem that we have today with the education, what we witness today in the public schools and exactly what Piletti it describes as failure pertaining to school, high level of repetncia and great descompromisso of some educators with an education of greater and better quality. The occured changes in the education mainly the relations that had occurred in the scope of the public school from the apparatus created by the military with the purpose to contain the contrary manifestations to the regimen and to remain themselves without bigger resistncias in the power, had significantly aggravated the situation of the public school nowadays.

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Scientific History

It is truth that today we have many possibilities of being, existing or to be subject, and this only it ratifies that all we are, ‘ ‘ To come the Ser’ ‘ , nobody ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , only ‘ ‘ We are Sendo’ ‘. For that reason, in we identify with others ‘ to them; ‘ We are Sendo’ ‘ , had the necessity to belong to the one definitive group, therefore since that we are born, we are lead to search this equality and to move away themselves mainly from the differences and from the different ones. When we observe people who do not obtain to breach this circulate, repleto of preconceptions, verify a convicted being to the social raquitismo, that never will go to develop itself, the such, always will be limited, therefore always they will be looking its equal ones, and for that reason they will lose the great chance to dialogue with the Differences and to discover that they make what we are to be a little better. In this context the relation of History with the Difference, gains more relevance, therefore according to Alfredo Boulos Jnior, History studies the changes accurately and permanncias, that is, register the differences and the equalities of the experience human being in the time. Frequently Richard Linklater has said that publicly. Therefore the first Historians enaltecem Myths as arqutipos, as if they objectified to organize the Society, therefore we know that the historical narrative has this power, a truth power, however we are conscientious that it tells to a knowledge or a fact repleto of personal impressions. Scientific History, is an utopia, however, this is our sina, everything in them seems truth, but it is not, we always work with this impression and our cruel function is many times to finish with this enchantment, ‘ ‘ Cursed M’ Necessity; ‘ , to make what! We are predestinold to demonstrate as the narratives are constructed or if to prefer as the trick is carried through. It would be impossible to execute our paper if we ignored the Differences, therefore they are who more point the briefing of the hidden mysteries. A Historian who ignores the Difference, does not prosper, is perpetual ‘ ‘ nanico’ ‘ , a pedante, never will unmask nothing, will only continue if glimpsing with the ilusria magician of the ignorance.

We are conceived and we are born in the same way, ‘ ‘ all iguais’ ‘ , however after being born, we start relating in them with other people, then immediately we become in them different, and from there in ahead, each time more moves away in them from the differences. How much to the question, of which we perceive first, if it is the equality or the difference, we do not know to answer, therefore we always look the equality, however, we only approach in them to it when we find the Difference. Ahead of this, to contemplate and to understand the Differences always in them will make better human beings, in the same way, that to argue this relation, without preconception and recognizing its value, in them they will become true Historians.

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Day School

The parents come alone in certain activities, as the Day of the Parents. It is absent also in house, does not become involved in the day the day of the studies, does not make collections on what the son is seeing in the school. He seems that the man today does not find its space in the family. What he would be moving away the father from the children? Schrammel? The children are in house, alone, using technologies that the father does not dominate. This mainly creates a removal in relation to the man, the woman is acolhedora.

Children with a involved father present better resulted? Schrammel? The more the father participates, better the routine in the school. Many times, when she arrives in 5 or in 7 series and the father is absent, the mother loses the domain, and occurs problems of disciplines and income. Some stories had been made by the pupils of the School Cheap Magalhes km 95 North in Medicilndia in Par. ‘ ‘ Our parents hardly go to the meetings in the school, when they appear sporadical is for serious causes, as, for example: fight with colleagues and disobedience with professores’ ‘ (pupils of 7 and 8 series). Other pupils of the same school affirm that its parents say not to have time and have something more important to make. They also affirm that the mother looks more on the pertaining to school income, when the father nor looks for to know you are welcome, (pupils of 5 and 6 series).

FINAL CONSIDERAES the problem presented on ‘ ‘ absence of the parents in escola’ ‘ it will bring inquiries and reflections so that the school comes to make an analysis and to develop action that makes possible the situation. That the reader of this article it can suggest, to contribute and to take for the society the contained information. Any problem whichever, is necessary to search, to analyze to reflect stops later acting; this is mission of all, since we are participant of the society. For a good research, it is not enough to read or to observe, is necessary, that is, not to participate of the process in lcus, to make field research, to investigate, if necessary to question, to act, to reflect.

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World Education

At this moment they also change the contents, the values, the abilities, the performances and the abilities had socially as basic for the formation human being. (ANGELS, 2007). The technological advance is a condicionante agent who all encloses the educational process of the man, for being a way of change of the condition human being contributed for the excuo of an education capable to form people with great intellectual and professional development, played in the constant search for the technological perfectioning. Thus, the man always was, and he will always be in search of different forms, methods and conditions to transform the ways for which he lives and if he socializes, trying to advance and to evolve each time more the conceived technologies already, the point to obtain new conquests. 2 EDUCATION DE HISTRIADesde the times most remote, the man acts as receiving agent of the education processes and learning inside of a context in the way where it lives; the acquired education and knowledge are significant part in its socialization with excessively, can be affirmed that it is through education and learning that the man ahead evolves of the group the one that belongs, and becomes capable to teach and to reproduce its knowledge for others. ' ' The innate capacities of the human being transmitted genetically allow the educative action. This is product of the constructed, shared cultural evolution and accumulated throughout geraes' ' (LITWIN, 1997, P. 39). education a not only corresponds form of knowledge and learning, but also to a process of clarifications, revision and assimilation of the facts occurred in the world, through passed decades, of historical moments and the socialization in groups. Since the primates, the humanity lives related with some forms of learning, in a constant search for the perfectioning of techniques that attracted the welfare state of the time, leaving the conception of life, learning and knowledge marked through the years for history, and remembered through the history education.

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