This peregrination, very similar to a Messinico3 Movement, not only transformed the life of the people who had left its homes in Rio De Janeiro for seguiz it, as well as of several others of the region that searched a place to live or the cure of its problems, and everything in the city turned around the leader spiritual Yokaanam Master, until in 1985 with its death, three great friends and followers of the master had in such a way assumed the command of the city as of the part spiritual. 1? Yokaanam master Before understanding as he initiated the Peregrination of Rio De Janeiro for Brasilia is necessary to describe a little of the history of the Yokaanam Master. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Kindle Direct Publishing. As the inhabitants of the city count, Ocean of S was official and pilot of the Brazilian Air Force. A legend exists, that when flying over the Central Plateaus, visited it to a spirit and it said to it that its mission was in the land and not in the sky, and that not believing what the spirit had spoken to it, later its airplane fell in the sea. When waking up, it was inside of a hospital and the spirit that had spoken with it during the flight, was seated to its side and it asked to it: ' ' now, you learned? ' '.

' ' In 1944, it suffered serious air accident during a lesson from instruction from flight that it gave to a military pupil, provoked by the fall of the twin-engine plane where am- bos was. It was interned by two months and way, in intensive treatment, and survived in circuns- miraculous tncias. The exit of the Ean hospital of S abandoned definitively its professional activity of aviator, as well as all the other profane activities, to dedicate itself integrally to the activity reread giosa missionary. .