Justice in the compensation In the present research, is perceived that the direct remuneration for the majority of the interviewed ones is adjusted, however could be better, as if it can verify you say in them: What I spent in a college I I spend today in my area almost R$1.000, 00 pra me to make a college, n, and today I do not receive nor the double from what I spent pra to make it. Then, the remuneration in function of this it is low, n. For the fact that I studied 4 years, n. I now strengtove, paid to everything and almost nor I pay college, n.' ' (E1) I find good. The remuneration is adjusted. (E3) the remuneration system is good. It does not have delay, you it has that certain date, it enters bank clerk against the account the system I I find good, the value could be better.

(E4) Stumm et al. (2009), in its research, carried through with nurses and technician in nursing, it got resulted that they point the insatisfao with the wage remuneration or direct remuneration, evidencing that 73.3% of the participants had been demonstrated unsatisfied. This research demonstrates the reality of the interviewed ones, where if it sees that the value received from the direct remuneration is low for two of the interviewed ones and one only affirms that is good. The interviewed ones affirm that they receive remuneration indirect, that is, benefits (services, advantages) that the organizations offer its collaborators, and these generate costs for the company. The organizations offer the benefits to the collaborators to save effort and concern in the same ones (IT HISSES, s/d). benefits that the institution offers the collaborators seem to take care of its necessities, as it is perceived you say in them: The benefits daqui are good. It has prize assiduity, that is a card feeding, can buy in any credential market, has hospitals that this nor exists, n.