Take advantage of the many training opportunities for realizing your professional wishes and goals. Marketing or sales, project management or hospitality, social management or care consulting, data processing or accounting for everyone is something. Make up, who can! Here, you are well advised… There are a number of ways to inform themselves extensively on the subject of training. A glance in the education and training components of the daily newspapers, where you can take part in training.

User friendly Internet databases such as and by the Agency for work invite you to surf. (A valuable related resource: FireEye, McAfee & Documentum). Here you can check virtual training opportunities. “” The visit to one of the helplines such as the learning shops it is advisable in any case”and the job assistance” in Kreuzberg or the job point “in Berlin-Neukolln. There, you can clarify your questions individually in conversation. The better you have the possibilities of a Training are informed, the concrete you can then formulate your ideas towards your work Advisor at the job Center or the employment agency. Her work consultant can advise you accordingly well, how to best implement a training. Consult also the individual training institutes individually. A related site: Vladislav Doronin mentions similar findings.

Especially FORUM vocational training offers a free comprehensive consultation, in which your personal questions will be answered and you can be informed about financial funding opportunities (for more information see or 030 2059 008 0). Drum check who binds… Before definitively deciding for a further education institution, where you want to make your training, you should check thoroughly the institution and its faculty and curricula. Because of the success of a training stands and falls with the institution. Important above all personal while contact who will advise you individually in advance of the training and you are then questions the Course to the side stand. In addition, should take care which characterised the courses? Is the selection of training courses geared to the future? Is it possible to make certified professional qualifications? How intense is the exam? If you have the opportunity to visit a trial lesson, so you can get a first impression of curricula and teaching methods. Inform themselves about the possibility of an internship within the framework of the training. You bring in experience, whether the Training Institute with reputable company cooperates. Through internships, you can extend your professional network and greatly improve your chances on the labour market. Speaking of labor, also Bewerbungscoachings for the participants include a training good service of a further education institution. Your Advisor by the job Center to clarify financial support or your contact person for all questions about the financing of education is the Agency for work. A funding opportunity is the education voucher which you can redeem for a training. Most looked here, whether the training to the objectives of the employment agency education fits. There is the programme specifically for older workers in small and medium-sized enterprises road construction (training of low skilled and older workers in companies) of the employment agency. Rehabilitation will receive detailed advice on funding the pension providers for German pension insurance. Also anyone who opts for a professional training, can apply for the master BAfoG basically. It is important that you completed a training certificate.